Paula Iadevito. Investigación cualitativa y expresiones de la cultura: fundamentando el uso del film como fuente para la construcción de conocimiento. Intersecciones en Comunicación [online] 2010, n.4. pp. 11-35.

Intersecciones en Comunicación

ISSN 1515-2332 (versión impresa)

ISSN 2250-4184 (versión On-line)


THE FILM AS QUALITATIVE RESEARCH  SAUCE. This article reflects on the film  as a source of social-scientific knowledge production, and it contextualizes film analysis -as a methodological strategy- in the field of qualitative research.  With that aim,  we review the main guidelines of qualitative approach and design, its epistemological assumptions and the look of researcher. It includes general considerations  on the treatment of alternative research corpusuch as: literary, plastic works, photographs, film texts, among others. Then, we explain the epistemological, theoretical and methodological basis that underlie the use of film in the process of social research.

This approach understands that cultural expressions, in particular, the products of visual culture (movies, in our case.) play a funda- mental role in shaping the cultural features of the global society that gives a privileged sense to the image and the media. In this context, the inclusion of film as a source for the construction of knowledge is a productive tool for further social analysis.

Keywords: Qualitative research - cultural expressions  - cinema - knowledge  – society.

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