Santiago Martinez Luque[1]. La participación del público en emisoras fm de Córdoba como dispositivo de interpelación de los sectores populares locales. Intersecciones en Comunicación [online] 2013, n.7. pp. 99-121

ISSN 1515-2332 (versión impresa)

ISSN 2250-4184 (versión On-line)

Intersecciones en Comunicación.  n.7 Olavarría ene./dic. 2013

Recibido 22/03/2013

Aceptado 14/07/2013


THE PARTICIPATION OF THE PUBLIC IN CORDOBA´S FM STATIONS AS A DEVICE OF INTERPELLATION OF THE LOCAL POPULAR SECTORS. In the following paper we develop some of the principles that organize the direct presence of the public in the speeches of two FM radio stations from Córdoba, specifically aimed at popular sectors of the city. Radio Popular and Radio Suquía are private initiatives of long history and significant impact on the local stage.

In particular, we present how the participation of the public in these stations characterizes these media offers, their communicative contracts and its identification proposals. Thus, within the framework of generals logics which appear to regulate the participation of the public in the media, these speeches build different images trying to give an account of the heterogeneous local popular sectors and their different realities.

In general terms, this analytical process has enabled us to understand one of the main devices from which these media, in connection with cordobesian conservative hegemony´s demands, model powerful identification images offered to the local popular sectors and silence others possible.

Keywords: Radio - popular Sectors – Córdoba – Interpellation - Identity